OK, I found a Windows based VPN server at work (we have one windows + 2 cisco)

I figured I'd try that because it was the least painful to setup
elsewhere (meaning fewer things that vary in configuration?), and I
found *some* references to connecting to it.

Here are my files. Anything in ALL CAPS is a replacement for some
information I'd rather not display publically.

        new -i nve0 vpn vpn

        set iface session 28800
        set bundle authname "WORK-DOMAIN\\WORK-USERNAME"
        set bundle enable compression
        set ccp yes mppc
        set ccp yes mpp-e40
        set ccp yes mpp-e56
        set ccp yes mpp-e128
        # set this to your correct routing information
        set iface route EXTERNAL-WORK-VPN-IP/24
        set link enable no-orig-auth


       set link type pptp
#        set pptp self
       set pptp peer EXTERNAL-WORK-VPN-IP
       set pptp enable originate outcall

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 08:12:45 (1) /usr/local/etc/mpd  > sudo mpd
Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
mpd: pid 91637, version 3.18 ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 22:07 19-Apr-2007)
[vpn] interface "nve0" is not a netgraph interface
[vpn] netgraph initialization failed
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined
mpd: no bundles defined

Here's a point of confusion for me (I tested all using ipconfig):
(1) My machine at work is a windows machine, ip config reports a
netmask of
(2) The machine I admin is also windows, with as it's netmask
(3) My windows desktop, when VPNing in has a netmask of for the VPN interface.

Any suggestions on how to get this up? This is one of only two tasks I
need to boot into windows (at home) to accomplish currently, and I'd
like to rectify that.

It looks like I need to make a netgraph bridge, but I don't know where
to start looking for that one. Netgraph(4) wasn't enlightening for me.
The ipsec section of the handbook left me more confused then I was
when I started.

-Jim Stapleton
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