----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mike Tancsa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "freebsd-net" <freebsd-net@freebsd.org>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
<freebsd-stable@freebsd.org>; "Jack Vogel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2006 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Proposed 6.2 em RELEASE patch
Mike Tancsa wrote:
At 05:00 PM 11/10/2006, Jack Vogel wrote:
On 11/10/06, Mike Tancsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Some more tests. I tried again with what was committed to today's
RELENG_6. I am guessing its pretty well the same patch. Polling is
the only way to avoid livelock at a high pps rate. Does anyone know
of any simple tools to measure end to end packet loss ? Polling will
end up dropping some packets and I want to be able to compare. Same
hardware from the previous post.
The commit WAS the last patch I posted. SO, making sure I understood
you are saying that POLLING is doing better than FAST_INTR, or only
better than the legacy code that went in with my merge?
The last set of tests I posted are ONLY with what is in today's
RELENG_6-- i.e. the latest commit. I did a few variations on the driver--
first with
#define EM_FAST_INTR 1
in if_em.c
one without
and one with polling in the kernel.
With a decent packet rate passing through, the box will lockup. Not sure
if I am just hitting the limits of the PCIe bus, or interrupt moderation
is not kicking in, or this is a case of "Doctor, it hurts when I send a
lot of packets through"... "Well, dont do that"
Using polling prevents the lockup, but it will of course drop packets.
This is for firewalls with a fairly high bandwidth rate, as well as I
need it to be able to survive a decent DDoS attack. I am not looking for
1Mpps, but something more than 100Kpps
Thanks for all of the data. I know that a good amount of testing was
done with single stream stress tests, but it's not clear how much was
done with multiple streams prior to your efforts. So, I'm not terribly
surprised by your results. I'm still a bit unclear on the exact
topology of your setup, so if could explain it some more in private
email, I'd appreciate it.
For the short term, I don't think that there is anything that can be
magically tweaked that will safely give better results. I know that
Gleb has some ideas on a fairly simple change for the non-INTR_FAST,
non-POLLING case, but I and several others worry that it's not robust
in the face of real-world network problems.
For the long term, I have a number of ideas for improving both the RX
and TX paths in the driver. Some of it is specific to the if_em driver,
some involve improvements in the FFWD and PFIL_HOOKS code as well as the
driver. What will help me is if you can hook up a serial console to
your machine and see if it can be made to drop to the debugger while it
is under load and otherwise unresponsive. If you can, getting a process
dump might help confirm where each CPU is spending its time.
I applied Jack's patch to the em driver and all seemed well until xl was
giving me the same issues.
Thanks Jack on my machine your first patch looks 100%
Since my box does not take too much load and to me a slightly more loaded
machine is better than an unstable one i re-complied the kernel without SMP
so I have a dual CPU system with only one of the CPU's working.
I've smacked it with about 50G of data using samba and FTP and it didn't
blink. I am however using a fxp card for the live IP side but the xl's are
still in the kernel and getting picked up. I have just not configured them
with IP's for traffic. I don't think this is the issue tho. I'd say there's
something to do with the SMP code that is causing these issues.
I have another box with SMP on it. Same kind of setup with a Tyan Tiger
instead of a Thunder motherboard. 2 Fxp NICs in it. Most of the time it's
stable but if i throw a lot of traffic at it it locks up too. Next time it
does I will post the console message, but there is no warnings about
watchdog timeouts far as I can remember. It's running 5.5-RELEASE-p8 with
SMP enabled.
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