At 01:42 AM 11/11/2006, Scott Long wrote:
driver.  What will help me is if you can hook up a serial console to
your machine and see if it can be made to drop to the debugger while it
is under load and otherwise unresponsive.  If you can, getting a process
dump might help confirm where each CPU is spending its time.

./netblast 500 110 1000

I compiled in the various debugging options and on the serial console I get a few

Expensive timeout(9) function: 0xc0601e48(0) 0.024135749 s
and the serial console

telnet> send break
Expensive timeout(9) function: 0xc0561444(0xc63f1d80) 0.072485748 s
KDB: enter: Line break on console
[thread pid 27 tid 100017 ]
Stopped at      kdb_enter+0x2b: nop

db> ps
  pid  ppid  pgrp   uid   state   wmesg     wchan    cmd
 1206  1123  1206     0  R+                          ifstat
 1155  1154  1155     0  R+                          csh
 1154     1  1154     0  Ss+     wait     0xc6722218 login
 1123  1122  1123     0  S+      pause    0xc6722894 csh
 1122  1117  1122  1002  S+      wait     0xc6739430 su
 1117  1116  1117  1002  Ss+     pause    0xc6aa024c csh
 1116  1114  1114  1002  R                           sshd
 1114  1028  1114     0  Ss      sbwait   0xc6893370 sshd
 1112     1  1112     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65ba810 getty
 1111     1  1111     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65bac10 getty
 1110     1  1110     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65bb010 getty
 1109     1  1109     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65bc410 getty
 1108     1  1108     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65b4010 getty
 1107     1  1107     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65bd010 getty
 1106     1  1106     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65bcc10 getty
 1105     1  1105     0  Ss+     ttyin    0xc65b2010 getty
 1044     1  1044     0  Ss      nanslp   0xc076ecac cron
 1038     1  1038    25  Ss      pause    0xc6ab2aac sendmail
 1034     1  1034     0  Rs                          sendmail
 1028     1  1028     0  Ss      select   0xc07bc004 sshd
  898     1   898     0  Ss      bo_wwait 0xc6ac9130 syslogd
  846     1   846     0  Ss      select   0xc07bc004 devd
  445     1   445    65  Ss      select   0xc07bc004 dhclient
  425     1    43     0  S+      select   0xc07bc004 dhclient
  124     1   124     0  Ss      pause    0xc6739034 adjkerntz
   42     0     0     0  SL      -        0xe8ff9d04 [schedcpu]
   41     0     0     0  SL      sdflush  0xc07c50f4 [softdepflush]
   40     0     0     0  RL                          [syncer]
   39     0     0     0  RL                          [vnlru]
   38     0     0     0  SL      psleep   0xc07bc56c [bufdaemon]
   37     0     0     0  SL      pgzero   0xc07c6064 [pagezero]
   36     0     0     0  SL      psleep   0xc07c5bb4 [vmdaemon]
   35     0     0     0  SL      psleep   0xc07c5b70 [pagedaemon]
   34     0     0     0  WL                          [irq1: atkbd0]
   33     0     0     0  WL                          [irq7: ppc0]
   32     0     0     0  WL                          [swi0: sio]
   31     0     0     0  RL                          [acpi_cooling0]
   30     0     0     0  SL      tzpoll   0xc08cd838 [acpi_thermal]
   29     0     0     0  WL                          [irq19: bge1]
   28     0     0     0  WL                          [irq16: bge0+]
   27     0     0     0  RL      CPU 1               [irq18: em1]
   26     0     0     0  WL                          [irq17: em0]
   25     0     0     0  WL                          [irq23: nve0]
   24     0     0     0  WL                          [irq22: atapci2]
   23     0     0     0  WL                          [irq21: atapci1]
   22     0     0     0  WL                          [irq15: ata1]
   21     0     0     0  WL                          [irq14: ata0]
   20     0     0     0  WL                          [irq9: acpi0]
    9     0     0     0  SL      -        0xc645f080 [kqueue taskq]
   19     0     0     0  WL                          [swi2: cambio]
    8     0     0     0  SL      -        0xc645f280 [acpi_task_2]
    7     0     0     0  SL      -        0xc645f280 [acpi_task_1]
    6     0     0     0  SL      -        0xc645f280 [acpi_task_0]
   18     0     0     0  WL                          [swi5: +]
    5     0     0     0  SL      -        0xc645f400 [thread taskq]
   17     0     0     0  WL                          [swi6: Giant taskq]
   16     0     0     0  WL                          [swi6: task queue]
   15     0     0     0  RL                          [yarrow]
    4     0     0     0  RL                          [g_down]
    3     0     0     0  RL                          [g_up]
    2     0     0     0  RL                          [g_event]
   14     0     0     0  WL                          [swi3: vm]
   13     0     0     0  RL      CPU 0               [swi4: clock sio]
   12     0     0     0  WL                          [swi1: net]
   11     0     0     0  RL                          [idle: cpu0]
   10     0     0     0  RL                          [idle: cpu1]
    1     0     1     0  SLs     wait     0xc63f5000 [init]
    0     0     0     0  WLs                         [swapper]
db> show intr
irq1: atkbd0 (pid 34)
irq4: sio0 (no thread)
irq7: ppc0 (pid 33)
irq9: acpi0 (pid 20)
irq14: ata0 (pid 21) {ENTROPY}
irq15: ata1 (pid 22) {ENTROPY}
irq16: bge0+ (pid 28)
irq17: em0 (pid 26)
irq18: em1 (pid 27)
irq19: bge1 (pid 29)
irq21: atapci1 (pid 23) {ENTROPY}
irq22: atapci2 (pid 24) {ENTROPY}
irq23: nve0 (pid 25)
swi1: net (pid 12) {SOFT}
swi4: clock sio (pid 13) {SOFT, NEED}
swi3: vm (pid 14) {SOFT}
swi6: task queue (pid 16) {SOFT}
swi6: Giant taskq (pid 17) {SOFT}
swi5: + (pid 18) {SOFT}
swi2: cambio (pid 19) {SOFT}
swi0: sio (pid 32) {SOFT}

db> show pcpu
cpuid        = 1
curthread    = 0xc63f2900: pid 27 "irq18: em1"
curpcb       = 0xe500dd90
fpcurthread  = none
idlethread   = 0xc63f1600: pid 10 "idle: cpu1"
APIC ID      = 1
currentldt   = 0x50
spin locks held:
exclusive spin mutex sio r = 0 (0xc07c81c0) locked @ /usr/src/sys/dev/sio/sio.c:1390
db> show intrcnt
irq4: sio0              901
irq14: ata0             1425
irq16: bge0+            35
irq17: em0              33705
irq18: em1              26846
irq19: bge1             2001
irq21: atapci1          42
irq22: atapci2          33
cpu0: timer             2834932
cpu1: timer             2826571
db> show irqs
irq0: (no thread)
irq1: atkbd0 (pid 34)
irq3: (no thread)
irq4: sio0 (no thread)
irq5: (no thread)
irq6: (no thread)
irq7: ppc0 (pid 33)
irq8: (no thread)
irq9: acpi0 (pid 20)
irq10: (no thread)
irq11: (no thread)
irq12: (no thread)
irq13: (no thread)
irq14: ata0 (pid 21) {ENTROPY}
irq15: ata1 (pid 22) {ENTROPY}
irq16: bge0+ (pid 28)
irq17: em0 (pid 26)
irq18: em1 (pid 27)
irq19: bge1 (pid 29)
irq20: (no thread)
irq21: atapci1 (pid 23) {ENTROPY}
irq22: atapci2 (pid 24) {ENTROPY}
irq23: nve0 (pid 25)

Let me know if there is anything else you want me to print out
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