Andre Oppermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Prafulla Deuskar wrote:
> >Jack Vogel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >>On 9/2/06, Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>I can't comment on the em part but the tcp_output.c stuff looks
> >>>very much like a straight port from NetBSD.  If we take code from
> >>>the other BSDs we have to remark this in the emails we send with
> >>>patches and the commit message (otherwise we get accused of 'stealing
> >>>without attribution').
> >>
> >>I dont know that I'd call it a straight port, rather I was working from 
> >>some
> >>prototype code that Prafulla had working back on 4.7, but I think at that
> >>time that he may have patterned it after NetBSD. 
> >
> >I don't think NetBSD had TSO support in 2002 when I first did the 4.7 
> >patch for internal testing.
> OK, perhaps they lifted it from your patch then.  They just looks awfully
> similiar that's why I thought it came from NetBSD.
Your patch looks good and is the way to go.

So after Jack confirms that your patch works with the em driver
would you commit to to -current?

The driver related changes can follow..

Later we also need to fix ifconfig so that user can enable/disable TSO on the 


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