On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 12:06:31AM +0200, Fredrik Lindberg wrote:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> >
> >It just occured to me that the daemon could handle this without any
> >interaction with dhclient or the static interface configuration.  In the
> >mode where you only want an LLA if there isn't another address it's a
> >simple matter of watching the routing socket for messages and a)
> >removing the LLA if an IPv4 address other than is configured on
> >the interface and b) (re)starting the process of obtaining an LLA when
> >all other addresses have been removed.  The daemon should be listening
> >to the routing socket anyway because it should only run when the
> >interface has link which requires it to exit when the link goes down
> >similar to dhclient.  I really need to go look at the code and see what
> >you're doing now. :)
> Well, I'm doing just that...except it's not the routing socket but the
> netdev filter of the kqueue system. Could be change to the routing
> socket.

It looks like you'd need to switch to the routing socket to be able to
make decisions based on address changes, but the basic flow should be
the same.

-- Brooks

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