On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 03:21:41PM -0700, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> On Aug 24, 2006, at 3:10 PM, Fredrik Lindberg wrote:
> >>Queries to 254.169.in-addr.arpa MUST return NXDOMAIN (or RCODE 3,  
> >>to choose a non-BIND specific term).
> >
> >We're talking about mDNS here, not DNS. I would argue that because
> >mDNS is link-local it makes perfect sense to be able to resolve
> >254.169.in-addr.arpa using mDNS.
> True, agreed-- that's in part (b) of what I quoted.  The specific  
> part is:
> "Names that are resolvable only on the local link (such as through  
> use of
> protocols such as Link Local Multicast Name Resolution [LLMNR]) MUST NOT
> be used in off-link communication."
> What this means is that the hostname-to-address mapping for  
> 254.169.in-addr.arpa addresses must be unique per interface.  If you  
> have two interfaces which are connected to different LLA subnets,  
> might map to hostnameA on one, and that same IP might be  
> hostnameB on the other.

Hmm, that seems to argue for some further namespace mangling so forward
lookups make sense.  From that perspective the namespace really should
be xxx.<interface>.local internally and xxx.local on the wire.  Actually
doing that would probably cause all sorts of problems though. :(

-- Brooks

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