On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 10:46:50AM -0400, Pat Lashley wrote:
> >> As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I would really like to see it
> >> support multiple TLDs for a single host. In particular, if I'm using
> >> example.com, then mumble.local and mumble.example.com should both
> >> resolve via mDNS to the IP address of host mumble. Similarly, services
> >> advertised by host mumble should automatically be listed in both domains.
> >
> >Well, $(hostname).example.com. A  $(ifaddr) :)
> >You would have to configure the NSS module to allow .com queries too.
> The NSS module shouldn't have to know which domains mDNS is handling. It 
> should just attempt to resolve the FQDN given, using mDNS. If it fails, 
> resolution will fall back to the next module listed in nsswitch.conf. (I 
> envision the default as being: files mdns dns)

I don't know that you really want to trust random hosts to advertise
addresses in arbitrary domains.  That makes man in the middle attacks a
little too easy.

-- Brooks

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