please see the scheme below:

user1---[usa]-------->machine1                              machine2
                                  vlan1(default gw)                   
vlan1---------------->em0(USA)      ?<---------------
vlan2==========>em1(EUROPE)   ?<==========

I've encountered a serious problem. I must differentiate USA and EUROPE subnets 
into two different vlans between two different machies. First machine gets USA 
traffic to em0 and EUROPE traffic to em1. When user1 tries to reach USA IP, he 
does not gets any routes via ospf, so he passes through machine's1default gw 
via vlan1. When user2 tries to reach EUROPE IP he get's ospf routes from vlan2 
and goes out via that vlan2. The problem is with inbound traffic. How can 
machine2 divert inbound USA traffic to vlan1, and inbound EUROPE traffic to 
vlan2?The problem should be solved in IP level only. Zebra(ospf) is unable to 
do that and I cannot change vlan or interface structure because of certain 
Thanks for any ideas.

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