Hello All, 
I am new bee to this group.  
I am working on IPv6 Extension headers.  I am confused with freeBSD
implementation and RFC2460 specification for Destination options.

My interpretation from RFC2460 is that,  If a packet consists of
hop-by-hop and destination extension headers, destination header
should be inserted inside AH.
i.e., hop + AH + dst.

But freeBSD implementation is the other way,
i.e., hop + dst + AH.

which is the correct way of implementation according to RFC2460? Please
let me know, if my interpretation is wrong.

Also, let me know AH insertion place in the following cases.
1. hop + dst 
2. hop + dst + route
3. hop + dst + route + dst
4. hop + dst + dst
5. hop + dst + dst + route + route
6. hop + dst + dst + route + route + dst + dst
7. hop + dst + dst + route + dst + route + dst + dst

Any help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.


Srinivas Goud
"Everything is Nicer when shared with a Friend"
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