At 04:29 AM 19/06/2005, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 10:14:32PM +0200, Jose M Rodriguez wrote:
J> Second, you may need a route daemon for this.  ospf is a well known
J> canditate where convergence in case of lost link is a must.

I've checked that Cisco routers remove route from FIB when interface
link goes down. I haven't checked Junipers yet.

>From my viewpoint, removing route (or marking it unusable) is a correct
behavior for router. Not sure it is correct for desktop.

My vote is that we should implement this functionality and make it
switchable via sysctl. I'd leave the default as is.

I like this idea as well, but you need to control how the routes would come back after the interface comes back up ? This seems more of the province of a routing daemon like quagga as opposed to a kernel feature no ?

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