You don't need the pty. I don't recommend vpn over ssh, unless its absolutely necessary. OpenVPN is much better ...

I've set it up (as it was absolutely necessary :-), and here is a config from the 'client'.

       set timeout 0
       set log phase chat connect lcp ipcp
       set dial
       set login

set device "!ssh -l cli -i /etc/ppp/ppp.key /usr/sbin/ppp -direct srv"
       set ifaddr
       add! 192.168.x.0/24 HISADDR
       set lqrperiod 60
       enable lqr

'client' is enabled by running ppp -ddial cli from rc script.

Then the 'Server' - of course, 'cli' needs a user account on the system, and all the ssh stuff setup (authorized keys, etc).


   set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command


       allow user cli
       set ifaddr
       set timeout 0
       add! 192.168.y.0/24 HISADDR
       set lqrperiod 60
       enable lqr
       accept lqr

Rob Zietlow wrote:

Good day List, I have a question about pppd. We use ppp over ssh for a VPN solution into work. The script works on linux, but not in freebsd because the implementation of pppd that comes with freebsd does not recognize the pty command. When I attempt to connect up I get the following.
testee# bash bin/vpn.init start
Waiting for connection...
Using interface ppp0
/usr/sbin/pppd: In file /usr/home/rob/vpn/options.vpn: unrecognized option 'pty'
Connection Failed

This appears to be the last piece of the puzzle for me in order to get this to work. So it leaves me to ask Is there an equivalent in Freebsd? From the pppd man page on a linux machine.
      pty script
Specifies that the command script is to be used to communicate rather than a specific terminal device. Pppd will allocate itself a pseudo-tty master/slave pair and use the slave as its terminal device. The script will be run in a child process with the pseudo-tty master as its standard input and output. An explicit device name may not be given if this option is used. (Note: if the record option is used in conjuction with the pty option, the child process will have pipes on its standard input and output.)

The fbsd pppd's man page doesn't list anything for pty, and a google doesn't turn up much. Thanks for your time. Rob _______________________________________________ mailing list
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