Rob, I had a cursory look through your scripts, and seems like you handle most of the logic. I don't know anything about pppd for Linux (is it based on the same code?). I let pppd manage retries & setting routes. It will also drop and dry to reconnect if either side can't talk to the other (via lqr).

It looks simple, but with rsa only authentication on the sshd, it has proven to be solid and reasonably secure.

Good luck,

Rob Zietlow wrote:

On Monday 23 May 2005 08:18 am, Tim Pushor wrote:

hmm, Thanks for the response, Tim. I wouldn't personally recommend vpn over ssh for anyone either, but i'm kind of stuck with it. I'm the sole bsd user at my company, and the ppp over ssh was implemented years before I came and has worked fine for them. They're not really willing to change it at the moment and it's on a system I have zero control over within our organization. If I had the option to set this up like you have below it would have been put in place a long while ago. Tim, I thank you for your scripts and time.
Here's the scripts I use.

Actual bash script I call:
! /usr/local/bin/bash
# This script controls starting and stopping
# the VPN run over ssh.  It's functions are:
# start stop on off
# start and stop control the actuall ppp interface,
# while on and off turn the routes to the VPN on and off.
# In this way, you can bring up the interface, but turn
# the VPN on and off without affecting the ppp connection.
# --------- configuration ------------
# This is the other end of the VPN

# This is for editing /etc/resolv.conf

# ------------------------------------
# Defaults should be okay
# ------------------------------------

# tempfile, needs to be writable

# This is to give us time for the ppp
# connection to come up

# This is the command to start pppd
CMD="/usr/sbin/pppd file /usr/home/rob/vpn/options.vpn"

# A place for control files

# A place for pids to keep track of processes

# ------ end configuration -----------

# Some things to check before we begin
USER=`id -u`
PPPD=`find /usr/sbin -perm 4755 -name pppd`
ROUTE=`find /sbin -perm 4755 -name route`
IFCONFIG=`find /sbin -perm 4755 -name ifconfig`

if [ \( $USER -ne 0 \) -a \( -z "$PPPD" -o -z "$ROUTE" -o -z "$IFCONFIG" \) ]; then
       echo "You must be root, or the following must be suid:"
       echo "/sbin/pppd, /sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig"
       exit 1

case "$1" in
       # Make a control directory
       if [ ! -d $svcdir ]; then
               mkdir -p $svcdir
       if [ ! -d $rundir ]; then
               mkdir -p $rundir

       # make sure it doesn't core dump anywhere; while this could mask
       # problems with the daemon, it also closes some security problems
       ulimit -c 0

       echo -n $VPNHOST > "$svcdir/host"
      echo Waiting for connection...

       # Look for unused ppp device.
       # But default to ppp0
       for i in `jot 9 0 `; do
               if [ ! -f /var/run/ppp$ ] ; then
                       echo Using interface ppp$i

       # See if we're already running
       if [ ! -f $svcdir/lock ]; then
               echo Link appears up
               echo Lock file in $svcdir
               echo Use $0 restart
               exit 1

       if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
               sleep $timeout
               ifconfig ppp$dev
               echo ppp$dev > $svcdir/device
               echo $VPNHOST > $svcdir/host
               touch $svcdir/lock

               # Routes to be added for the inside network
               $0 on
               echo Connection Failed
      # Find the pid of the pppd, kill it, remove the route
       VPNIF=`head $svcdir/device`
       ppppid=`head /var/run/$`
       sshpid=`head $rundir/`

       # Removing routes if possible
       echo Removing routes...
       $0 off

       echo Killing processes...
       kill -s SIGTERM $ppppid
       kill -s SIGTERM $sshpid
       echo Killed ssh[$sshpid]
       echo Killed pppd[$ppppid]

       # Bring down interface
       echo Bringing down interface: $VPNIF
       /sbin/ifconfig $VPNIF down

       echo Removing control files...
       # Remove control files
       rm -f "$svcdir/device"
       rm -f "$svcdir/host"
       rm -f "$rundir/"
       rm -f "$svcdir/lock"
       echo Done.
       if [ ! -f "$svcdir/lock" ]; then
               echo VPN does not appear to be up
               exit 1
       elif [ -f "$svcdir/on" ]; then
               echo VPN looks like it is already active
               exit 1
               # Routes are specified in /etc/ppp/routes.vpn
               grep -v '^#' /etc/ppp/routes.vpn |\
                        while read NET NETMASK GATEWAY ; do
                       /sbin/route add -net $NET netmask $NETMASK gw $GATEWAY

               # Make changes to the resolv.conf file
               # We may not want this to be standard equipment
       #       if [ $USER -eq 0 ]; then
                 # insert search domain
                 MATCH=$( grep -cq "search" $CONFFILE )
                 #if [ "$MATCH" = "0" ]; then
                 #  # Add one if there isn't one
                 #  { echo "search $DOMAIN" ; cat $CONFFILE } > $TMP
                 #  mv -f $TMP $CONFFILE
                 #  # Edit one if needed
                 #  grep -q "search.*$DOMAIN" $CONFFILE
                 #  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
                 #  perl -pi -e "s/(search.+)\s+/\$1 $DOMAIN\n/" $CONFFILE
                 #  fi
                # fi
               #  # insert server if needed
               #  # it needs to be first in the list
               #  MATCH=$( grep -cq "nameserver.*$DNSSERVER" $CONFFILE )
               #  if [ "$MATCH" = "0" ]; then
# perl -pi -e "s/(search.+)\s+/\$1\nnameserver $DNSSERVER\n/" $CONFFILE
               #  fi

                 #touch $svcdir/resolver
       #       fi
               touch $svcdir/on;
       if [ ! -f $svcdir/lock ]; then
               echo VPN does not appear to be up
               exit 1
      elif [ ! -f "$svcdir/on" ]; then
               echo VPN does not appear to be active
               exit 1
               grep -v '^#' /etc/ppp/routes.vpn |\
                       while read NET NETMASK GATEWAY ; do
                       /sbin/route del -net $NET netmask $NETMASK gw $GATEWAY

       ## Remove changes made to /etc/resolv.conf
       if [ $USER -eq 0 ]; then
          if [ -f $svcdir/resolver ]; then
               perl -pi -e "s/(search.+?)\s+$DOMAIN\s+/\$1\n/" $CONFFILE
               perl -pi -e "s/^nameserver\s+$DNSSERVER\s+//" $CONFFILE
               rm -f $svcdir/resolver
       rm -f $svcdir/on
       $0 stop
       $0 start
       echo "usage: telnetd {start|stop|on|off}"

lcp-echo-interval 5
lcp-echo-failure 10
pty /home/rob/vpn/pppssh
call server.vpn

!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Taken from Olaf Titz's ppp over ssh script.
# pppd starts up ppp connection, but ssh hangs
# and prevents pppd from taking over the terminal
# this script gives ssh a little kick.

#use strict

# ---- configuration ----- #
# Your user login here

# ------------------------ #
# Customize if necessary

$host=`head $svcdir/host`;

# ------------------------ #

if ( ! defined($host)) {
   print "No host given\n";
   exit 1;

# subroutine to handle sshd hang bug.
&bugdaemon($timeout) if ($timeout);

# Write pid to control file
open FD, ">$rundir/" or die $!;
printf FD $$;
close FD;

# exec ssh to start pppd on remote host
exec $ssh, "-t", "-l$user", $host, "-p 24";
die "exec $ssh: $!";

# -------------------------------------------- #
# This cures a "hang" of the local ssh process
sub bugdaemon
   local($secs)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
# fork returns 0 to child, pid to parent, and undefined to parent if failed.
   if (!defined($p)) {
      warn "can't fork, no bug daemon";
   # Return if I'm the child to execute ssh
   return if (!$p);
   # returning the child avoids a zombie
   # Parent sleeps to allow the child to exec ssh
   if ($secs) {
       sleep $secs;
   } else {
       sleep 10;
   # If I'm the parent, give ssh a kick
   kill "STOP", $p;
   sleep 1;
   kill "CONT", $p;
   exit 0;

You don't need the pty. I don't recommend vpn over ssh, unless its
absolutely necessary. OpenVPN is much better ...

I've set it up (as it was absolutely necessary :-), and here is a config
from the 'client'.

       set timeout 0
       set log phase chat connect lcp ipcp
       set dial
       set login

       set device "!ssh -l cli -i /etc/ppp/ppp.key
/usr/sbin/ppp -direct srv"
       set ifaddr
       add! 192.168.x.0/24 HISADDR
       set lqrperiod 60
       enable lqr

'client' is enabled by running ppp -ddial cli from rc script.

Then the 'Server' - of course, 'cli' needs a user account on the system,
and all the ssh stuff setup (authorized keys, etc).


   set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command


       allow user cli
       set ifaddr
       set timeout 0
       add! 192.168.y.0/24 HISADDR
       set lqrperiod 60
       enable lqr
       accept lqr

Rob Zietlow wrote:
Good day List,

I have a question about pppd.  We use ppp over ssh for a VPN solution into
work. The script works on linux, but not in freebsd because the
implementation of pppd that comes with freebsd does not recognize the pty
command.  When I attempt to connect up I get the following.

testee# bash bin/vpn.init start
Waiting for connection...
Using interface ppp0
/usr/sbin/pppd: In file /usr/home/rob/vpn/options.vpn: unrecognized option
Connection Failed

This appears to be the last piece of the puzzle for me in order to get
this to work. So it leaves me to ask Is there an equivalent in Freebsd?

From the pppd man page on a linux machine.
     pty script
            Specifies that the command script is to be used to
communicate rather  than  a  specific terminal  device.   Pppd will
allocate itself a pseudo-tty master/slave pair and use the slave as its
terminal device. The script will be run in a child process with the pseudo-tty master as its standard input and output. An explicit
device name may not be given if this option is used.  (Note: if the
record option is used  in conjuction  with the pty option, the child
process will have pipes on its standard input and output.)

The fbsd pppd's man page doesn't list anything for pty, and a google
doesn't turn up much.

Thanks for your time.

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