--On Wednesday, December 15, 2004 18:12:57 +0900 Sangwoo Shim <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like to establish a TCP/IP connection over USB between my
FreeBSD box and my PDA (Sharp Zaurus SL-6000L) that has a USB host port.
I've read that udbp can be used for this purpose, but I have not found
enough information about it to be able to use it. Could someone explain
me how this can be done?

FYI, I've talked to YOPY PDA(also StrongArm-based linux PDA) using udbp + ng_eiface (with minor hack, namely, add DEVICE/VENDOR ID.) This combination seems to be compatible with linux's usbnet implementation. But I've told Zaurus doesn't use standard arm linux kernel.. I think you should hack ng_eiface to set the communication.

For another alternative, try:


Unpack it anywhere, then cd to that directory (as root) and:

        make install
        kldload if_cdce

Then plug in the cable from your Zarus - you should wind up with
a cdce0 device that you'll need to ifconfig.  (You can add an entry
to usbd.conf to do that automatically.)

I downloaded a copy to use with my YOPY.  (I needed to add a config
line and the #define statements; but that's all it took.  For anyone
trying this with their own YOPY, leave off the CDCE_ZAURUS flag from
the YOPY config line.)

Now that that's out of the way, Sangwoo, could you post the details of your dubp + ng_eiface solution? I might want to switch to that.

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