>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce M Simpson <Bruce> writes:

 Bruce> Same here. I'm willing to take maintainership of gre(4) as I've
 Bruce> written one before and have been committing to it.


 Bruce> If someone can reproduce the problems people have encountered,
 Bruce> I'm all ears.

All my production machines here are 4.8-RELEASE-p13 or 4.9-RELEASE, I
can duplicate the faulty setup on these machines and give you a shell
access to them if it can help you to diagnose the problem (not before
Friday cause I'm at a customer's office tomorrow)


Eric Masson

 Malheureusement c'est dur, a force de découper les points godwin que
 je gagne, de lire quoi que ce soit sur mon écran.
 -+- JC in GNU : couper (au burin) - coller (à la glue) -+-
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