>>>>> "Helge" == Helge Oldach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hello Helge,

 Helge> I think the problem is that you need multicasts to exchange
 Helge> routing updates through the tunnel. If I am not mistaken that is
 Helge> supported with gif interfaces as well. Maybe you could do away
 Helge> with gif?

I have a setup with gif tunnels atm, "it just works" (c) (r) (tm) ;)

 Helge> This is odd. Do you have a chance to test this against another
 Helge> IPSec box, e.g. a Cisco router configured with a GRE Tunnel
 Helge> interface?

Nope atm, the archives of this list show a similar case in June 2003
with no answer.

>From section 3.4 of the following document, encapsulating gre tunnels in
ipsec transport should "just work"

Thanks for your help.

Eric Masson

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