Right now when natd'ing boxes one have to supply a random (fake) ident respone, or simply RST on tcp/135. Libalias&natd could provide simple way to ask 'what is real src ip/port' by knowing outgoin port and IP combination.
I've written small patch for that. Natd binds additonal AF_UNIX/DGRAM socket, and asks libalias about connections. They can be fetched from here: http://pancake.sggw.waw.pl/~hunter24/libalias/ Maybe someone could help me w/ integrating 'client.c' into oidentd/src/freebsd.c file or merge it with current development tree ? /usr/src/lib/libalias # cvs diff -u -N -d alias.h alias_db.c | wc -l 157 /usr/src/sbin/natd # cvs diff -u -b -N -d . | wc -l 317 /usr/src/sbin/natd # wc -l client.c ident.c 89 client.c 48 ident.c 137 total -- Krzysztof Drewicz Podsłuchane na pogrzebie: "Wiem, że to niezręcznie pytać o takie rzeczy w tej chwili, ale przypominasz sobie, żeby on kiedykolwiek wspomniał coś o kodzie źródłowym?" --- Charles Addams _______________________________________________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-net To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"