[cc'd to -net and -mobile]

Hello Craig,

> Thanks for the great work on the FreeBSD BlueTooth stack.  It works great!  

thank you for trying this. i'm glad it works for you :)
> I wanted to introduce myself because I am considering porting the BT stack
> work you did to OpenBSD.  Before I started digging in I wanted to check with
> you and see if you or someone else is already doing this.

i'm not aware of any other Bluetooth related work on othe BSD systems.
before porting to OpenBSD you should know one thing: Bluetooth stack for
FreeBSD is implemented in Netgraph framework. as far as i know Netgraph 
framework is FreeBSD only. i can see two ways out of this

1) port Netgraph framework to other BSD systems
2) un-Netgraph FreeBSD Bluetooth stack

right now i'm slowly moving towards option 2). the goal is to get portable
code that all BSD systems can use. Netgraph did a great job for me. i was
able to develop working prototype very quickly. right now i'd like to focus
on other issues: optimize the code, make it smaller and more user friendly.

i also would like to hear people's ideas on how to proceed with this. 
please feel free to jump in at any point :)

> Also,  do you have any reccomendations or warnings against any PCMCIA
> bluetooth cards?

i have two Bluetooth PCMCIA cards: 3COM Bluetooth PC-CARD and Xircom 
Credit Card Bluetooth Adapter. 3COM card needs special driver + firmware
and works well. Xircom card uses standard 16550 UART and sio(4) driver
will recognize is modem. Xircom card does not work very well under load
(looses bytes - sio(4) FIFO overflow issue). i would not recommend to use
PC-CARDs. USB devices are much better.


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