I need in a near future to convert a bunch of adsl from PPPoE to PPPoA (more than 100 :-).

Now they was working on FreeBSD (usually 4.8-STABLE, user ppp in PPPoE, zyxel 645M).
Everything works fine until the management choose a new feeder for them which doesn't use PPPoE at all, but only RFC1483 and PPPoA.

Is really possible that there is no way to do PPPoA with FreeBSD ?

I am not expert so I ask:

1) Any viable solution with FreeBSD for doing that kinds (PPPoA or RFC 1483) of encapsulation.
Or I have simply to drop the idea to have a PPP (or any other progs) that permits at FreeBSD to manage the connection using instead a simple router ? Having FreeBSD that manage the connection usually permit to save a lot of NAT/PAT in the router iteself and make also firewall rules more simpler :-)

2) Why FreeBSD doesn't support PPPoA in the same way it support PPPoE ?
Which are the difficulties of doing this ?
The "experts" that came to sell this migration said that PPPoA is a far more efficient and better than PPPoE, is it true ?

Thanks all for the kind attention.

Best Regards, Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday" http://www.gufi.org/~gmarco

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