--- Stacey Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 12:26, Rostislav Krasny wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > I have Alcatel Speedtouch Home ADSL modem. I use PPPoE protocol for
> > connection with my Internet Service Provider (ISP) through this ADSL
> > modem. I use FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE and ppp (a.k.a. user-ppp) for this. In
> > the /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file I have ' set MRU 1492' and ' set MTU 1492'
> > options. This is because the maximum MTU one can use with PPPoE is 1492
> > according to RFC 2516. I have no problems with "dialing" to my ISP. But
> > after the PPPoE connection is established I have troubles with TCP
> > connections to some hosts. For example I can't go to
> > hhtp://www.ssh.com/  but to http://www.freebsd.org/ or
> > http://www.gnu.org/ I can. If I run 'telnet www.ssh.com 80' and enter
> > HTTP request according to HTTP 1.1 or 1.0 protocol I don't get any
> > answer. If I enter just 'GET /' I get some short answer. 'GET /' is an
> > HTTP request according to the old HTTP 0.9 version of the protocol and
> > it is rarely used today. But the problem is not HTTP, I think. If I do
> > HTTP request according to HTTP 1.1 from my friends' computer I do have
> > some long answer. Furthermore if I change the MRU and MTU to 1484 or
> > smaller I have no problem with www.ssh.com. So it looks like TCP packet
> > overflow or something like that.
> > Besides FreeBSD I have Windows 98 Second Edition in my computer. I use
> > PPPoE with Win98SE too. I use RASPPPOE driver fo it, go to
> > http://www.raspppoe.com/  for more information. I have no problems with
> > www.ssh.com when I use Win98SE with this impimentation of PPPoE
> > protocol. I have MTU == 1492 set by default in RASPPPOE. I don't get
> > error messages about fragmentation when I run 'ping -f -l 1464
> > www.ssh.com' in my Win98SE (ICMP+IP=1464+28=1492). Why in FreeBSD I
> > cannot use MTU == 1492 without problems with some hosts like
> > www.ssh.com ? How to fix it in FreeBSD?
> > 
> > P.S. ping have different syntax in Windows, so don't be wondered about
> > -f flag. -f sets "no fragmentation" flag in IP headers of all outgoing
> > packets.
> I use ADSL here on my site, but not that modem. How do you connect to
> that device from the FBSD box?

I configured my ADSL modem to work with PPPoE. Then I changed the
/etc/ppp/ppp.conf file to this one:

==== /etc/ppp/ppp.conf ====
        set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
        ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)

        set device      PPPoE:ed0
        set speed       sync
#       set MRU         1484
#       set MTU         1484
        set MRU         maximum 1492
        set MTU         maximum 1492
        set timeout     0
        set urgent      none            # no priorities
        enable          dns             # request DNS info (for
        disable         ipv6 ipv6cp
        disable         shortseq protocomp acfcomp vjcomp deflate pred1
        deny            shortseq protocomp acfcomp vjcomp deflate pred1

        set authname    username@ISPstring
        set authkey     password
        add default     HISADDR         # Add a (sticky) default route
==== /etc/ppp/ppp.conf ====

The hostname of my box can be resolved through /ets/hosts , so I don't
need any kind of 'set ifaddr' in /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file. ed0 is the
ethernet NIC my ADSL modem is connected to.

Many lines of the "default:" section of the ppp.conf file are not critical.
The only ones you need are these:

        set device      PPPoE:ed0
        set MRU         maximum 1492
        set MTU         maximum 1492
        enable          dns

See `man 8 ppp` for more information.

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