On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Bosko Milekic wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 01:56:08PM -0700, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > example: userland does an 8KB write, in the old case this requires
> > 4 clusters, with the new one you end up using 4 clusters and stuff
> > the remaining 16 bytes in a regular mbuf, then depending on the
> > relative producer-consumer speed the next write will try to fill
> > the mbuf and attach a new cluster, and so on... and when TCP hits
> > these data-in-mbuf blocks will have to copy rather than reference
> > the data blocks...
> > 
> > Maybe it is irrelevant for performance, maybe it is not,
> > i am not sure.
>   I see what you're saying.  I think that what this means is simply that
>   the `optimal' chunk of data to send is just a different size, so
>   instead of it being 8192 bytes, it'll be something like 8180 bytes or
>   something (to account for the counters).  So, in other words, it
>   really depends on the frequency of exact 8192 sized sends in userland
>   applications.

  ...or exactly 2k or 4k or 6k or 10k...

>   This is a good observation if we're going to be doing benchmarking,
>   but I'm not sure whether the repercussions are that important (unless,
>   as I said, there's a lot of applications that send exactly 8192
>   byte chunks?).  Basically, what we're doing is shifting the optimal
>   send size when using exactly 4 clusters, in this case, to (8192 - 16)
>   bytes.  We can still send with exactly 4 clusters, it's just that the
>   optimal send size is a little different, that's all (this produces a
>   small shift in block send benchmark curves, usually).

  Are you kidding?  Benchmarks, presumably like every other piece of
software produced by someone trying to get the most performance out of
the system, are more likely to have power-of-two write buffers.  Are you
willing to risk that they didn't also just happen to pick a multiple of

  Yes, it seems elegant to put the counters in the space that is normally
unused for receive mbuf clusters, but you can't just blow off Luigi's
point regarding the send side.


Kelly Yancey -- kbyanc@{posi.net,FreeBSD.org}

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