On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 12:54:39PM -0700, Julian Elischer wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2002, Bosko Milekic wrote:
> > 
> >   I don't remember why the ext_size here was this originally (as you
> >   mention, it was imported that way), but it certainly seems bogus and
> >   you catching it now is hopefully going to solve some really wierd and
> >   difficult-to-debug problems we've had involving mbufs over the years.
> > 
> It was imported from FreeBSD-1.x by rod.
> The size argument was for two reasons.
> 1/ to allow the M_LEADINGSPACE and M_TRAILINGSPACE calculations
> to be done if it was a single reference object.
> 2/ to allow the free function (in the case of non cluster external
> objects) to know what sized object they had in the case that they needed
> this information.

  Yeah, we still need the field to exist because of (2).  I just meant
  that we should remove the explicit setting of 0 of the field in
  m_split(), and that's what Archie suggested.

> I know because I added it, because I needed to do both of these at TRW in
> '90-'95 under MACH/BSD and when I moved the code to FreeBSD1.x it cam
> along.. there was no M_LEADINGSPACE/M_TRAILINGSPACE macro at that time..
> I did it in my code explicitly.
> It was not used in standard code because only in my own protocol stack
> did I know that the damned object was not shared and writable..
> This has improved with time..
> Having the size set to 0 however stopped users from hitting
> cases where the WRITABILITY of the ext objext has not been correctly 
> tracked as it always returns "not enough space" (sometimes -ve).

  Right now, in -CURRENT, we have a M_WRITABLE macro, as you noticed,
  that evalutes true unless one of these conditions is true:

  1) M_RDONLY is set in the mbuf
  2) mbuf has external buffer attached and ref. count on that buffer
  (e.g., cluster, whatever) is > 1.

  This macro (M_WRITABLE) _is_ currently used in M_LEADINGSPACE.
  If the mbuf being checked is not writable, M_LEADINGSPACE
  will evalute to 0. However, I noticed just now that it is
  not used in M_TRAILINGSPACE, where it probably should be.

M_TRAILINGSPACE should probably look like this:

#define M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) \
        ((m)->m_flags & M_EXT ? \
            (M_WRITABLE(m) ? \
            (m)->m_ext.ext_buf + (m)->m_ext.ext_size - \
            ((m)->m_data + (m)->m_len) : 0) : \
            &(m)->m_dat[MLEN] - ((m)->m_data + (m)->m_len))

This is the same philosophy adopted by M_LEADINGSPACE.

I have no idea how I missed that when we did the M_WRITABLE stuff.  Or
did we leave it out for some specific reason?  Ian Dowse or David Malone
would know, as the WRITABLE code was thanks to them. :-)

> If we change this we need to audit the WRITABILTY..
> e.g. it is not checked in M_TRAILINGSPACE


> Julian

Bosko Milekic

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