"Louis A. Mamakos" wrote:
> > Attila Nagy wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > > I developped a basic implementation of MPLS over Ethernet in the FreeBSD
> > > > Environment! If someone is interested in my code just e.mail me!
> > > Great! Although I do not have the devices to test this, it is very
> > > nice to hear that. I think the patches should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > > to give them a chance to get them into the base.
> > >
> > > Yesterday I was at Ericsson on a Juniper demo (http://www.juniper.net/).
> > > JUNOS is based on FreeBSD and knows everything, which has to be known by a
> > > core router (for example MPLS). It would be very nice to see the same
> > > functionality on a simple PC :)
> >
> > It is true that JUNOS is more or less FreeBSD. But it's only the
> > control plane. All the switching and stack processing happens on
> > the line cards which have their own CPUs and OS.
> There is no software involved in the forwarding plane, including
> the line cards, in the Juniper routers.  There is another CPU in
> the box running an embedded system kernel, which does supervisory
> things, but that's also not involved in the forwarding operation.

If there is no kind of software involved on the forwarding plane
then I don't know how the control plane can communicate via ethernet
with the line cards... The internal communication in the router is
via ethernet.

> The forwarding is done in Juniper's custom designed ASIC hardware,
> and is the other significantly valuable intellectual property
> they have along with the routing protocol implementation (e.g.,
> BGP, IS-IS, etc.)

I agree with the ASIC hardware. But the BGP implementation smells
awfully like gated (Nexthop). Anyway, a BGP deamon isn't that hard
to write.


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