> Attila Nagy wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > > I developped a basic implementation of MPLS over Ethernet in the FreeBSD
> > > Environment! If someone is interested in my code just e.mail me!
> > Great! Although I do not have the devices to test this, it is very
> > nice to hear that. I think the patches should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > to give them a chance to get them into the base.
> > 
> > Yesterday I was at Ericsson on a Juniper demo (http://www.juniper.net/).
> > JUNOS is based on FreeBSD and knows everything, which has to be known by a
> > core router (for example MPLS). It would be very nice to see the same
> > functionality on a simple PC :)
> It is true that JUNOS is more or less FreeBSD. But it's only the
> control plane. All the switching and stack processing happens on
> the line cards which have their own CPUs and OS.

There is no software involved in the forwarding plane, including
the line cards, in the Juniper routers.  There is another CPU in
the box running an embedded system kernel, which does supervisory
things, but that's also not involved in the forwarding operation.

The forwarding is done in Juniper's custom designed ASIC hardware,
and is the other significantly valuable intellectual property
they have along with the routing protocol implementation (e.g.,
BGP, IS-IS, etc.)


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