Matthew Braithwaite writes:
> > > [vpn] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #1 link 0 (Opened)
> > > [vpn] LCP: protocol 0x0029 was rejected
> > > [vpn] LCP: rec'd Protocol Reject #2 link 0 (Opened)
> > > [vpn] LCP: protocol 0x00a1 was rejected
> > 
> > This is usually because one side is sending encrypted traffic that
> > the other is thinking is not encrypted... i.e., it's a side-effect
> > of a negotiation problem.
> Everything was working fine until recently, when the folks who run my
> Windows-based VPN server decided to require that everybody use 128-bit
> encryption.  So I added the options:
>         set ccp yes mppc
>         set ccp yes mpp-e128
> and although my connection comes up just fine, I'm now getting the
> same protocol rejects described above.

It may be that compression is actually not being negotiated properly,
even though the link is staying up. Can you send me an mpd log trace?


Archie Cobbs     *     Packet Design     *

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