Andrew Reilly writes:
> I've another, probably unrelated problem that has surfaced with
> mpd-netgraph in the last couple of months.  The work-around is
> simple, which is why it's taken me so long to get around to
> raising the issue.
> I start mpd-netgraph at boot time, to create a VPN link to my
> office, with a script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mpd.  That used to
> work fine, and I haven't changed my mpd configuration at all in
> the mean time.
> For the last couple of months, though, this has resulted in no
> ng0 node, and a log that looks like:
> Feb  5 21:41:46 gurney mpd: [vpn] can't create socket node: Exec format error 

Oops, I forgot to copy my reply to -net. In short, this sounds
like some kind of KLD linking problem..


Archie Cobbs     *     Packet Design     *

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