On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 02:59:04AM -0600, Mike Silbersack wrote:
> I've looked over vmstat -z with a UMA kernel, it's really nice to know
> that everything is coexisting together now.
> There's one big target, though:  mbufs.  I know that Bosko put a lot of
> work into his new mbuf allocator, but if you could find a way to merge
> mbufs into the slab allocator the benefits would be huge.  Have you
> discussed doing this with Bosko yet?
> Mike "Silby" Silbersack

   As I have previously mentionned, mb_alloc *is* a slab-like allocator
but I am prepared to remove large chunks of it and instead glue-into UMA
if this can be done in a relatively clean and elegant manner which,
after looking at UMA, I've decided that it probably can.

Bosko Milekic

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