On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Jeff Roberson wrote:

> I have kept the current limits in place, but I think that it's somewhat
> ugly to have this policy enforced in the allocator where it is hard to
> adjust with a sysctl.  Perhaps maxsockets could stay but become run time
> adjustable.
> Is there any case where we will have lots of pcbs w/o sockets?  If so, all
> of the limits checking can be done in the socket code and the pcb code can
> completely forget about it.

I believe that the various pcb structures are tightly coupled to sockets,
so checking only in the socket code should be safe.  That would be a good

> > Once everything's UMA'd, then we can develop new sizing parameters.
> Everything has been UMA'd other than MD code, so I'm working on making the
> system take advantage of it.

Ah, neat.  I haven't cvsup'd in the last two weeks, so I have yet to play
around with UMA.  I was going to ask some more questions here, but it's
probably best that I actually look at the code first. :)

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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