Lars Eggert writes:
> How did you stop the Cisco box from stupidly trying to hand its own IP 
> address to the clients over and over? I don't even get past negotiation, 
> since the Cisco won't hand out any other addresses... (It also doesn't 
> help that the box isn't under my direct administration, but if I could 
> tell the support people "go look at page X in Cisco manual Y", that'd 
> probably allow them to fix it.)

Newer versions of mpd will not even finish negotiation with a box
that uses the same IP address inside & out... this was added as a
safety check.. to disable this behavior and allow such negotiation,
apply the patch below.


Archie Cobbs     *     Packet Design     *

Index: ipcp.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/archie/mpd/src/ipcp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.2
--- ipcp.c      2001/12/16 03:47:25     1.3
+++ ipcp.c      2001/04/12 17:03:31     1.2
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include "custom.h"
 #include "msg.h"
 #include "ngfunc.h"
-#include "pptp.h"
 #include <netgraph.h>
 #include <sys/mbuf.h>
@@ -608,7 +607,7 @@
          switch (mode) {
            case MODE_REQ:
              if (!IpAddrInRange(&ipcp->conf.peer_allow, *ip) || !ip->s_addr) {
-nak_ip:                if (ipcp->peer_addr.s_addr == 0)
+               if (ipcp->peer_addr.s_addr == 0)
                  Log(LG_IPCP, ("   %s", "no IP address available for peer!"));
                if (Enabled(&ipcp->conf.options, IPCP_CONF_PRETENDIP)) {
                  Log(LG_IPCP, ("   pretending that %s is OK, will ignore",
@@ -621,17 +620,6 @@
                Log(LG_IPCP, ("   NAKing with %s", inet_ntoa(*ip)));
                FsmNak(fp, opt);
-             }
-             if (bund->links[0]->phys->type == &gPptpPhysType) {
-               struct in_addr pip;
-               lnk = bund->links[0];
-               pip = PptpGetPeerIp();
-               if (ip->s_addr == pip.s_addr) {
-                 Log(LG_IPCP,
-                   ("   Same as PPTP IP; would cause routing loop"));
-                 goto nak_ip;
-               }
              Log(LG_IPCP, ("   %s is OK", inet_ntoa(*ip)));
              ipcp->peer_addr = *ip;

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