On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Archie Cobbs wrote:

> Yes, this is the same problem. Mpd and the kernel have both
> been modified since that posting:
> - mpd will disallow the 'fatal' scenario
> - the 'fatal' scenario is no longer fatal, i.e., instead of the
>   kernel panicing, it will just return the 'deadlock avoided'
>   error
> Unfortunately, there is no fix for this yet. However you can
> try one trick, which is to set up a host route to the remote
> IP address via your default gateway. I'm not sure if this will
> work but it might (please report success/failure if you try it).

I had a quick try just then, but I'm on the 'wrong' side of the link, so I
managed to lock myself out for a while :-)

Will try again later when I'm at home.

Is this a hard thing to fix 'properly'? There was implied that some kernel
changes were needed in that previous post.

Pragmatically, I might just end up getting another IP address on the
Cisco, it seems the easiest solution at the moment.

Thanks Archie.

        - Justin

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