On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 08:43:45PM -0800, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Crist J. Clark writes:
> > No, RFC1122 is a set of requirements for hosts implementing _the
> > Internet protocol._
> OK...
> > > By your argument, the kernel should also block admin attempts to
> > > configure RFC 1918 addresses (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, etc.) on an
> > > interface. That would put a lot of people behind NAT boxes out of
> > > business.
> > 
> > There are no requirements or references to RFC1918,,
> >, or in RFC1122.
> Obviously, because 1918 > 1122. But I don't understand your point.

:) Good point. I meant references to the subject matter of
RFC1918. (Not that RFCs don't frequently reference other RFCs with
numbers greater than theirs.)

> My point is that if it's a private network, you can do whatever
> you want -- standards that were created to make machines on the
> same network interoperate don't apply to X if X is on a separate
> network.

You can always do what you want. No one says you have to use the
Internet protocol to have your systems communicate.

> There are real people with valid reasons for doing "weird" things,
> for testing or whatever, on private networks. We shouldn't make
> life hard for them.

I have no problem making life easy for them.

> If your host sends a 127/8 packet, I'd say chances are better than
> 90% that you intentionally configured it to do so.

Exactly. I don't think anyone has a problem with letting people
configure their machines to do something pathological like sending
loopback packets outside of a host. But a stock system, that is, one
out of the box, should be compliant with the Standard and NOT do

> Note that "normal" people will still get the standard configuration
> which prevents transmitting 127/8 packets, as it has for many years,
> without this new change.

No, as I have had to repeat many times, a stock FreeBSD system did NOT
behave properly in this respect. Take a stock FreeBSD system before
the change, sniff the default route, and type,

  $ ping

And watch the loopback packets head out onto the wire.

> So I don't see what the conflict is here, or why this extra check,
> which adds complexity and confusion, is needed.

I'd personally prefer someone just fix lo0 so that,

  $ ifconfig lo0 inet

Actually added the route,

  127                UGSc        0        0    lo0


  $ ifconfig lo0
  lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
          inet netmask 0xff000000 

Would imply, but it doesn't. I started digging into the code to see
about fixing this, but no one seems to be sure if this brokeness is
intentional or not, so I never got too enthusiastic.

Short of fixing this, blocking 127/8 in the kernel makes life a little
harder for those who want to do exotic things on their own nets, but
it does prevent the leakage.

> > > If someone intentionally configures their machine in an unconventional
> > > way, why automatically assume they are doing something wrong?
> > > 
> > > My vote is to not have any special cases in the kernel for 127/8...
> > > rc.conf, rc.network, rc.firewall, et. al. is fine, but nothing
> > > in the kernel.
> > 
> > You definately want to at least block incoming in the
> > kernel. Not doing so is a big security hole. Let's revisit that
> > discussion all over again,
> > 
> >   http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/166648
> Yes, of course. We're talking about sending, not receiving,
> packets though.

But what's the point of sending them if systems can't receive them? If
you need to remove five lines ip_input.c to get them in the machine,
why not just remove the same five from ip_output.c too (not that
in_canforward(), in.c, hasn't blocked loopback packets for even longer
than the input and output routines).

One more time, my opinion on the best balance between having a default
compliant system, but something people can do whatever kinky things
they want in the privacy of their own ASs is (and the coding for
this is trivial... once I find where the heck the loopback isn't being

  1) Remove the ip_output.c code blocking 127/8 destinations once the
     lo0 puts a route for 127/8 into the routing table.

  2) Put a sysctl(8) wrapper on the ip_input.c check,

  3) Put a sysctl(8) wrapper on the in_canforward() check and 127/8 as a
     source address, net.inet.ip.fwdloopback.

Would anyone be terribly unhappy with that or something like that?
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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http://people.freebsd.org/~cjc/    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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