On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 07:02:48PM -0800, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Ruslan Ermilov writes:
> > > > ping -s 127.1
> > > > telnet -S 127.1
> > > 
> > > If someone explicitly overrides source-address selection, they are
> > > presumed to know WTF they are doing, and the kernel should not be
> > > trying to second-guess them.
> > > 
> > That "someone" could be a bad guy playing dirty games with your box and
> > certainly knowing what he's doing.  :-)
> > 
> > So far, noone gave me a real example where using of net 127 outside
> > loopback would be useful.  If there such an example exists, we should
> > wrap all three checks into a sysctl, including ip_input(), ip_output(),
> > and in_canforward() parts, where ip_input() exists for almost a year,
> > and in_canforward() existed since 1987.
> No example is required. The kernel should not be implementing what
> is essentially a policy decision.
> Note that the RFC you are holding up as gospel talks about hosts
> on THE Internet, not hosts on some private test network. You assume
> too much by assuming that all hosts running FreeBSD are connected
> directly to the Internet.

No, RFC1122 is a set of requirements for hosts implementing _the
Internet protocol._


   This document is one of a pair that defines and discusses the
   requirements for host system implementations of the Internet protocol
   suite.  This RFC covers the communication protocol layers:  link
   layer, IP layer, and transport layer.  Its companion RFC,
   "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support"
   [INTRO:1], covers the application layer protocols.  This document
   should also be read in conjunction with "Requirements for Internet
   Gateways" [INTRO:2].

   These documents are intended to provide guidance for vendors,
   implementors, and users of Internet communication software.  They
   represent the consensus of a large body of technical experience and
   wisdom, contributed by the members of the Internet research and
   vendor communities.

I believe it is the intention of FreeBSD to have a working, compliant
IP implementation.

> By your argument, the kernel should also block admin attempts to
> configure RFC 1918 addresses (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, etc.) on an
> interface. That would put a lot of people behind NAT boxes out of
> business.

There are no requirements or references to RFC1918,,, or in RFC1122.

> If someone intentionally configures their machine in an unconventional
> way, why automatically assume they are doing something wrong?
> My vote is to not have any special cases in the kernel for 127/8...
> rc.conf, rc.network, rc.firewall, et. al. is fine, but nothing
> in the kernel.

You definately want to at least block incoming in the
kernel. Not doing so is a big security hole. Let's revisit that
discussion all over again,


Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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