> ---SNIP---
> good
>>network_interfaces="xl0 dc0 lo0"
>>ifconfig_dc0="inet netmask"
>>ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask"
> still looking good
> Yikes... note you have NAT here.....


Thanks for the help, I tried that earlier to no avale.

New stuff.  I left my laptop plugged into my internal lan and I was able to
jump onto the internet fine, so here's the new deal.

Configs have NOT changed at all.  I can pass traffic from anything behind
the gateway to the outside world just fine.  But the gateway still cannot
reach the internet.  it cannot even ping the local IP address assigned to
it (   Also people are not able to ping my IP or reach any
of my services.

Disabling either of the ipnat or ppp_nat in the rc.conf makes no difference
same results, I can get on the net, no one can ping/ftp/ssh to me.

Any other suggestions? Anyone?

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