At 04:58 20-1-2002 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >First off if this shows up as html, I apologize, I'm temporarily using a >web based client. This email contains my configuration files so is kind of >long but I hope this will give as much information as possible.
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Think it came out just fine =) >I just got DSL after riding myself of my cable modem. The DSL I have is >using pppoe. I was able to get this up and running on my laptop. I am now >working on my gateway machine to get my LAN back up and running. > >I have used the how-to's listed in the freebsd diary ( > ) I also tried > These worked fine on my laptop >and I was able to surf the web no problem. I then went to configure my >gateway box. I added the appropriate options to the kernel and >recompiled. I added the neccesary "ppp" lines to my rc.conf. I also >created my ppp.conf. When I boot the machine I get the IP addresses but >when I try to pass any traffic I get "no route to host" messages. I make >sure my default gateway is setup correctly (which it appears to be as >such). I delete the the default route and add it myself but this does not >work either. ---SNIP--- >gateway_enable="YES" good >hostname="" >network_interfaces="xl0 dc0 lo0" >ifconfig_dc0="inet netmask" >ifconfig_lo0="inet" >ifconfig_xl0="inet netmask" still looking good >ipfilter_enable="YES" >ipmon_enable="YES" >ipmon_flags="-Dsvn" >ipnat_enable="YES" Yikes... note you have NAT here..... >#router_flags="-q" >#router="routed" >#router_enable="YES" >ppp_enable="YES" >ppp_mode="ddial" >ppp_profile="tds" >ppp_nat="YES" ...and here. ----more config snipped---- I'm not familiar with ipfilter I'm afraid, but since the rest of your config looks good to me at first glance, try removing the ipfilter/mon/nat settings, try connecting again, and if it works, then add those settings back one by one. DocWilco To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message