On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 05:23:48PM -0500, David Gilbert wrote:
> The netgraph bridge setup for vmware works very well and I've been
> happy with it for some time running on my laptop.  My old laptop had
> an ep0 pccard and my new laptop has a builtin (PCI-attached) fxp0.  I
> have also had vmware work with an ed0 pccard.
> However, we all just got new wireless network cards, and I was
> surprised to discover that wi0 didn't work in this configuration.

Bridging requires that you be able to send packets with the source MAC
address set to the origionating station.  Cards supported by the wi card
do not allow this so bridging doesn't work.  There does exist a driver
to make this work, but it is not publicly avaiable and would be binary
only if it were as it requires special firmware.

-- Brooks

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