The netgraph bridge setup for vmware works very well and I've been
happy with it for some time running on my laptop.  My old laptop had
an ep0 pccard and my new laptop has a builtin (PCI-attached) fxp0.  I
have also had vmware work with an ed0 pccard.

However, we all just got new wireless network cards, and I was
surprised to discover that wi0 didn't work in this configuration.

Some details:

I don't run /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ at bootup.  I run it only
when I'm going to run vmware.  This is largely because I don't often
run vmware and I don't need a whole wack of modules loaded when
they're not to be used.  But it's also important in that pccard
ethernet cards are not installed when rc.d would run.

Anyways, wi0 is recognised by netgraph and grows its own ng_ether
node.  I inspected the bridging configuration, and it was as expected
in all cases.

... but no packets from the vmware process ever escape (I was
specifically looking for dhcp packets with tcpdump).

Any ideas?


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |  equal if and only if they |
|                              |   are precisely opposite.  |

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