Very well put!

Bill Vermillion wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 12:33:44PM -0500, Cameron Haegle thus
> sprach:
> > I come from the Windoze side of the playground, where you are able
> > to rename the Administrator account name, in order to provide a
> > bit more security.
> > Can a similar thing be done with FreeBSD?
> You could, but what you are proposing is the classic 'Security
> through obsurity model'.  That never works.
> Root is a traditional account name since 1969, but it also maps to
> user ID 0 as someone else mentioned.  Every system requires
> a user ID 0 no matter whether it is root, larry, manny or moe.
> Make sure that no one can log in as root anywhere except at the
> console.  You can even elminate root login at the console if your
> system is not in a 10000% secure location :-)
> Then the only memember who can use root are those you put in the
> 'wheel' group.
> Let's get back to UID 0 for a moment.  If anyone can get into that
> machine, even if they don't have the ability to become super user,
> and you have named your root account mxtylplx, then anyone on that
> machine will know that is the admin account by listing any
> directory in which used ID 0 has a file it owns.
> Don't putz around with security 'ideas'.  Do security in the right
> manner.  Limit the wheel account users.  Make sure they keep their
> login password secure, and keep the root password secure.
> Get rid of all telnet account and put in SSH so that no clear text
> passwords ever cross the net.   That's just a small step on the
> way, to locking down a system, but just changing login  names won't
> do it.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com
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