Umm. i don'tthink that is advisable since you have normal username with uid 0,the 
passwd will have
to be the same..else, every timeyou do su - <user with uid 0), it will check for the 
root account
password, not the one that you "set"...if you want limited administrative access, use 


--- Lars Fredriksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi cameron,
> The short answer is that yes you can. The name is really not that
> important, it is the userid that is associated with a name that is used
> for verifying permissions etc. You can easily create a login name
> "cameron" that is assigned userid 0, and that user will have root
> privileges.
> Lars
> Cameron Haegle wrote:
> > I come from the Windoze side of the playground, where you are able to
> > rename the Administrator account name, in order to provide a bit more
> > security. Can a similar thing be done with FreeBSD? Cam

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