On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 06:50:46AM -0800, Julian Elischer wrote:

> > > For example, you would no longer simply ``ifconfig xl'', but
> > > associate a netgraph link-layer node on top of the xl interface,
> > > and a netgraph interface node on top of the link-layer node, which
> > > would function (mostly) like xl does now.
> > Interesting. Possibly that would make freebsd move away from
> > hardware-specific interface names (such as xl0, rl0 ) and make them eth0,
> > eth1, with a generic eth link-layer code to take care of things like ARP
> > and bridging? Would that make sense?
> not from a POLA (Principle of Least Amazement) point of view,
> but we could tap into the driver to get only VLAN packets, 
> as Netgraph allows collecting of only 'unrecognised' packets
> from the driver.

But we're only going to be able add so many features onto the side
of the old infrastructure with Netgraph.  Telling users that plain
old ethernet works like it always did, but to get EthII, or 802.1q
tags you need to use a Netgraph node with an 'orphans' or 'raw'
hook doesn't make much sense.

If EthII and VLANS belong in Netgraph, then the plain old ethernet
link code belongs there as well.  Having different interfaces for
similar operations makes little sense.  You eventually end up with
two protocol stacks.  One that uses the legacy infrastructure, and
future enhancements, and one built in Netgraph.

 - Steve

C. Stephen Gunn                          URL: http://www.waterspout.com/
WaterSpout Communications, Inc.        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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