"C. Stephen Gunn" wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 15:33:36 EST, Garrett Wollman wrote:
> > Actually, no, it's not what you want (although the underlying code is
> > broken enough to let it ``work'' anyway).  What you want is to fix the
> > parent network interface driver to indicate its readiness to receive
> > 1522-octet frames by setting its if_data.ifi_hdrlen field to 18 rather
> > than 14.
> Garrett is correct.  My confirmation was intended to tell you it
> would work, not that you're in an ideal situation.  Then again, you're
> applying miscellaneous patches to your ethernet drivers to get vlans
> to work, so you're probably aware you're in the weeds.
> I'm not sure that the solution is simply a fix to the parent ethernet
> device driver, since it's legitimate (but perhaps not advisable)
> to have tagged and untagged frames on the same wire.  Setting the
> ifi_hdrlen for the entire physical interface seems incomplete also.
> The current VLAN (and Ethernet) implementaiton in FreeBSD needs work.
> FreeBSD should should handle multiple ethernet encapsulations on
> the same physical interface, and relay packets to/from some subordinate
> interface.  This support would factor-out the need for current
> work-arounds like if_vlan, and if_ef, and perhaps even if_tap.

sounds like a perfect use for netgraph..

>  - Steve
> --
> C. Stephen Gunn                          URL: http://www.waterspout.com/
> WaterSpout Communications, Inc.        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 427 North 6th Street                   Phone: +1 765.742.6628
> Lafayette, IN  47901                     Fax: +1 765.742.0646
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