Michael B. Eichorn <i...@michaeleichorn.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2015-12-20 at 20:57 +0100, Michael Grimm wrote:
>> Michael B. Eichorn <i...@michaeleichorn.com> wrote:

>>> Does `service jail restart` do what you are looking for?
>> Bingo! That made the trick! Thank you very, very much! Cool! That
>> command is stopping and starting jails in the order as listed in
>> "jail_list". Ok, it isn't stopping jails in the reverse order, but
>> that is no big deal, though.
> I think that this came up before and there was a patch sumbitted to
> stop in the reverse order, It might be fixed in current. I don't really
> remember the specifics and I cannot find it now, but something was done
> about this before.

Ok. I'm following stable, thus it might arrive soon. But, at least at my 
servers, that is no big deal. Stopping is so fast … (only 8 service jails). But 
there might be conditions where reverse order might be of advantage.

>> [Arrrgh, I never heard of "service" before (after so many years with
>> FBSD) :-( What a shame ...]
> Always more to learn. :)

Yep, definitely so! [And I did start programming/computing with 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-11 ;-)]

With kind regards,

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