dweimer <dwei...@dweimer.net> wrote:
> On 2015-12-20 1:25 pm, Michael B. Eichorn wrote:
>> On Sun, 2015-12-20 at 17:50 +0100, Michael Grimm wrote:

[starting sequence definition, how to?]

>>> Thus, I might have overlooked it, is there a way to achieve my goal
>>> using jail and jail.conf?
>>> Or something else?

>> jail(8)'s '*' operates on everything without concern for rc.conf, as
>> such jail_list is not respected. Perhaps try something tied to the rc.d
>> system. Does `service jail restart` do what you are looking for?
>> Otherwise I would just go with simple restart script such as:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> set -e
>> jail -r '*'
>> jail -c dns
>> jail -c mail
> You can also define a jail dependency to make sure a jail starts before 
> another one
> dns {
>  ...
> }
> mail {
>  ...
>  depend = "dns"
> }

Yep! That is working as well. And, now it will stop jails in the reverse order.

*BUT*, that doesn't work with "jail -rc '*'", reproducibly … 

        | testing> jail -rc '*'
        | ifconfig: : bad value
        | jail: dns: /sbin/ifconfig em0 inet  netmask @ alias: 

… and leaving me with all stopped but not started a single jail :-(

"service jail restart" works much better, never failing.

Thanks and with kind regards,

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