Hi Greg

Yes the second interface is a new idea. I decided to NOT use the second
interface it was too cumbersome to get it too work.
Thanks for all the ideas and help, I was able to get the ezjails ssub
systems up and running finally. I am not sure how I did it, 
but I am sureI couldn't have done it without support from people like
you and the FREEBSD org. Thanks so much!!!!!

Do you know anything on ZFS? That is my next area of concern that isn't
working as a results of our engineer that passed away. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Larkin [mailto:glar...@freebsd.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:40 PM
To: Bender, Chris
Subject: Re: jails

Hash: SHA1

Hi Chris,

Since your server has ezjail installed and it was used to create the
jails, I think it would be easier to use ezjail-admin to manage the
files in /usr/local/etc/ezjail/*.  From what I've read in the
ezjail-admin man page, multiple IP addresses are listed on one line like

export jail_tools2_ip=""

I don't see any support for jails with IPs on multiple interfaces,
though.  Is that a new configuration that you're trying to introduce, or
was it working prior to now?


On 1/31/12 6:19 PM, Bender, Chris wrote:
> Any idea on the syntax how to export jail using two interfaces.  
> export jail_tools2_hostname="tools2"
> export jail_tools2_ip=""
> export jail_tools2_ip_multi0=""
> export jail_tools2_ip_multi1=""
> export jail_tools2_ip_multi2=""
> export jail_tools2_ip="em1|"    
> #export jail_tools2_ip_multi4=""
> export jail_tools2_rootdir="/usr/jails/tools2"
> export jail_tools2_exec="/bin/sh /etc/rc"
> export jail_tools2_mount_enable="YES"
> export jail_tools2_devfs_enable="YES"
> export jail_tools2_devfs_ruleset="devfsrules_jail"
> export jail_tools2_procfs_enable="YES"
> export jail_tools2_fdescfs_enable="YES"
> export jail_tools2_image=""
> export jail_tools2_imagetype=""
> export jail_tools2_attachparams=""
> export jail_tools2_attachblocking=""
> export jail_tools2_forceblocking=""
> ~
> Will this work;.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Larkin [mailto:glar...@freebsd.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 3:42 PM
> To: Bender, Chris
> Subject: Re: jails
> Hi Chris,
> I'm back now for ~30 minutes, and tomorrow will be a bit easier to 
> schedule, too.  It's possible to set up ssh to listen on the host as 
> well as all of the jails, but you have to tweak the ListenAddress 
> directive in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the host and the jails to only 
> listen on one IP address, instead of all addresses.
> If it's possible to grant remote access through ssh to your host 
> machine, I should be able to figure out the network issues with your 
> jails, so let me know if you want to do that.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On 1/31/12 12:44 PM, Bender, Chris wrote:
>> Hi Greg
>> Ssh is enabled on the host machine. I want the other machines in the 
>> office to be able to access the jails systems whether it be ssh or
> web?
>> SO far I am looking into IP forwarding on the host but I am not sure.

>> Thanks
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Greg Larkin [mailto:glar...@freebsd.org]
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:39 PM
>> To: Bender, Chris
>> Subject: Re: jails
>> On 1/31/12 12:10 PM, Bender, Chris wrote:
>>> Hi Greg
>>> Thanks for calling. I was working late last night. I just came to
>> work. 
>>> I was able to start the systems, but I still have yet been able to 
>>> figure out How to get users to access the remote system, whether via

>>> ftp, ssh, telnet or web service.
>>> I believe it is in the area of no apache or http running or 
>>> something
>>> to that affect. I am researching now.
>>> I would gladly like to use you as a mentor and perhaps work 
>>> something
>>> out with you.
>>> I could use the expertise.
>>> Thanks
>> Hi Chris,
>> Ok, that sounds good.  I'm heading to a meeting shortly, but I should

>> be available after either 3pm or 4pm.  I'll ping you when I'm back in

>> the office, if you have some time to chat later today.
>> ssh is the preferred way to set up remote shell access, and here are 
>> the basics for enabling it on the server:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/openssh.htm
>> l
>> You may also need to modify perimeter firewall rules to allow remote 
>> access, too.
>> Regards,
>> Greg

- --
Greg Larkin

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