> And if you go with Lenovo, be aware that their T60/T60p/T61/T61p series
> (and possibly the X-series) are known to sport very high temperatures.
> Some people have reported temperatures of nearly 90C on their GPU (when
> idling), which has a direct effect on the overall temperature of the CPU
> (due to close proximity) and so on.  This requires the fan to be on at
> almost all times (usually low-speed mode).  Others have it worse (the
> laptop literally shutting off in the middle of operation):

I bought Lenovo T61 recently and dont see any hight GPU temperatures. GPU
temperature is about 55C when idling. I never notice (so far) temperature
65C. More annoying is (subjectively) hot HDD under right wrist.

Cheers Aleš
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