On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Jeremy Chadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I'm buying a new computer, what should I buy?"
> Buy whatever suits your needs, and feels comfortable for you.

> With regards to OS compatibility, this is a difficult one.  Googling to
> see what other people have experienced is pretty much the only option,
> or you get to find out yourself.

But this is the reason Frank asks which computer to buy. I don't think
he is expecting to be told about the weight of a laptop; he can figure
this himself. But how can you figure OS compatibility from 20minutes
test drive? That's why you ask for other persons experiences.
Personally if i were to buy a laptop right now, i would buy one  that
would be fully compatible with bsd or linux even if this meant paying
a few more euros or getting something heavier... Unfortunately this
kind of info {OS-- compatibility} isn't advertised, or written in

>From my perspective freebsd should "advertise"(*)  the laptops that
work with it, out of the box, so that new users {like me} know what to
buy; and large corporations have a benefit for promoting OS
compatibility other than Windows(tm).

-best regards

(*) when i say advertise , i mean make this info publicly available
and easily accessible from the website
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