On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Vulpes Velox wrote:
The why is because I like centralized management and it would be
really handy for that. For my use, it would be handy in regards to my

I feel better central management is extreme significant. If I had
nothing more to say than "this would be neat!" we would not still be
talking. Right now I am just poking around for other people

I regards to searching the archives, I am not seeing any thing in
regards to LDAP outside of NSS recently. I am also not finding any
thing in regards to dynamically and automatically building various
config files.

Why are you doing this in the FreeBSD rc scripts directly? Why not install cfengine and work on making cfengine play better with database-driven config?

And if you're looking specifically at the /etc/rc.conf config file, what would be more useful would be an /etc/rc.conf.d/ directory. That gets away from the need to tweak and edit the /etc/rc.conf config file with multiple inputs tweaking a single file. Instead you can drop whole orthogonal fragments into /etc/rc.conf.d/inetd to manage the inetd config which would make it more friendly to radmind-like approaches. It also makes it easier to use with cfengine since orthogonal cfengine modules aren't doing editfiles touches to the same files. The /etc/cron.d directory that (most?) linux distros have is similarly very useful to drop in files that contain completely orthogonal config (and may be written by entirely different config management tools -- e.g. system config management vs. application deployment/management), and the /etc/periodic functionality is not flexible enough to cover all cases.
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