On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Doug Barton wrote:
Lamont Granquist wrote:
If i understand that correctly its not *exactly* what i was looking for,
but its better than a monolithic /etc/rc.conf
It looks like you must put /etc/rc.d/inetd config into either
/etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.config.d/inetd.
Actually you can use both, but where variable names overlap whatever
is sourced last will "win."
Yeah, poor english, I didn't mean to imply xor.
That means that if you've got two different orthogonal applications
runing on the same server which both need to run something orthogonal
out of inetd then they still wind up needing to do edits to the same
config file to get inetd configured correctly.
Not exactly (and I think you're overusing the term orthogonal). :)
I think what i really need to do is dig deeper to find truly orthogonal
config in /etc/rc.conf. I realized after i posted that i was mixing up
inetd settings of /etc/rc.conf and /etc/inetd.conf settings (the latter
could really use being busted up int /etc/inetd.d or just using xinetd --
i'm guessing i'll probably find a bikeshed about xinetd if i search the
archives though since i can't be the first person to suggest that...)
I'd rather see
/etc/rc.config.d/app01 and /etc/rc.config.d/app02 both able to tweak
inetd settings. Of course there is the possibility that app01 and app02
could drop mutually conflicting inetd setttings, but you've got that
problem anyway in the existing scheme...
I think this'd be great, I can't wait to see your patches. :)
I'll be diving in canada over the three day weekend, so we'll have to see
how much i care about this issue a week from now...
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