
I was just looking through FreeBSD's snd_uaudio(4) driver, because I'm
thinking of patching it to support Xbox 360 headsets as well. I was
looking at the code to set the sample rate in
/sys/dev/sound/usb/uaudio.c. In that file there is the following code
near line 4100:

|       if (speed >= UA_SAMP_LO(asf1d) && speed <= UA_SAMP_HI(asf1d)) {
|               ch->sample_rate = speed;
|               return speed;
|       } else if (speed < UA_SAMP_LO(asf1d)) {
|               score = 0xfff * speed / UA_SAMP_LO(asf1d);
|               if (score > hiscore) {
|                       bestspeed = UA_SAMP_LO(asf1d);
|                       hiscore = score;
|               }
|       } else if (speed < UA_SAMP_HI(asf1d)) {
|               score = 0xfff * UA_SAMP_HI(asf1d) / speed;
|               if (score > hiscore) {
|                       bestspeed = UA_SAMP_HI(asf1d);
|                       hiscore = score;
|               }
|       }

If we would rewrite this code to something more basic, let's say we
rename 'speed' to 'x' and the UA_SAMP_ macros to some predefined

|       if (x >= 10 && x <= 20) {
|               ...
|       } else if (x < 10) {
|               ...
|       } else if (x < 20) {
|               ...
|       }

Wouldn't that mean that the last portion of the code is never reached?
Looking at the code, it looks like some range check, making sure the
sample rate remains inside a certain range. Wouldn't it be enough to
remove the entire third if-statement, using a normal '} else {'?

 Ed Schouten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 WWW: http://g-rave.nl/

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