On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 12:43:43AM +0100, Bruce M Simpson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 10:46:09AM -0400, Coleman Kane wrote:
> > My point is that we should let our purist values get in the way of others'
> > enhanced experience using the system.
> My view is: We take the patch, as long as it doesn't interfere with
> the internal machinations of rc too much.
> There are good aesthetic and functional arguments on either side.
> Given the excellent work on rc to date, we have clean abstractions
> in rc itself, so fitting colour-aesthetics in does not have a high
> maintenance cost.

I agree with this line of reasoning.  So long as things are kept
modular and don't cause maintance headaches when working on the
internals I'd like to see this sort of work encouraged and encorporated
into the tree.  While there's something to be said for console output
that shows everthing there's also something to be said for console
output that only shows whats actually important.  Giving people room to
explore other options could yeild something much better than what we
currently have.

-- Brooks

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