"Ang utong ko ay sasabog sa sarap!" exclaimed Sergey Babkin
while reading this message on Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 12:18  
and then responded with:

> >From: Bill Vermillion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> has some
> >color vision problem.  Mine is a bit more than others.   Everytime
> >I get called to work on a Linux system, I have to go in and disable
> >the colors as the reds and other colors become very hard to see
> >against a dark background.   The problem is the luminance value of
> >colors such a red is quite low compared to others. 

> The problem with Linux colors is that they have been
> designed to be used on the white background which is
> the xterm's default (and which I hate as it's tough
> on my eyes). Since I usually use the black background, 
> I disable them too.

> When I have time and patience to mess around, I set the
> LS_COLORS and such variables to the complementary
> bitmasks of what they've been, and that fixes the
> problem with contrast on the black background.

Well I run in 80x24 text mode almost all the time, and when I need
some graphics/web stuff I hit the KVM and move to an XP machine.

I use vidcontrol to set my screen

/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol green black
/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol -b blue
/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol -c blink

That gives me green on black, with a blue border defining the edge
of the screen.  With my vision it works very well.

I got to something with white on black and I find it too bright
to use, except on dying monitors :-)  [I've had some clients
with really bad server monitors - typically SCO.  On those
I'd set the white to bright white to make them readable]

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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