Anish Mistry wrote:
On Tuesday 18 April 2006 16:35, Eric Anderson wrote:
Gordon Bergling wrote:
* Thus spake Eric Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
Peter Jeremy wrote:
On Tue, 2006-Apr-18 14:02:07 -0400, Coleman Kane wrote:
A few comments on the shellscript:
+ rcargsize=`echo $rc_arg`
+ rcargsize=${#rcargsize}
Try rcargsize=$((${#rc_arg} + 1))
- return 1
+ (echo_fancy "FAILED" `expr 10 +
$rcargsize - 1`) && return 1
Try echo_fancy "FAILED" $((10 + $rcargsize -
1)) && return 1
+echo_fancy () {
+ namesize=`echo -n $name`
+ namesize=${#namesize}
or namesize=${#name}
+ padding=""
+ paddingsize=$(($columns - 15 - $2 - $namesize))
+ until [ 0 = ${paddingsize} ]; do
+ padding=" $padding"
+ paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
+ done
This particular block of code appears unnecessary (since
$padding is unused).
I must be missing something, because I'm pretty sure it's used..
What did I miss?
+ paddingsize=$((60 - $namesize - $rc_argsize))
+ until [ 0 = ${paddingsize} ]; do
+ padding=" $padding"
+ paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
+ done
For safety, the conditions should probably be [ 0 -ge
${paddingsize} ] I don't see any alternative to the until loop.
If efficiency turns out to be a real issue then you could try
doing the expansion in multiple goes. Eg:
until [ 8 -gt ${paddingsize} ]; do
padding=" $padding"
paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 8))
until [ 0 -ge ${paddingsize} ]; do
padding=" $padding"
paddingsize=$(($paddingsize - 1))
Thanks for the hints. I was testing the same changes to the
namesize/etc as you suggested, and it does work and is more
readable and more efficient.
I've included your suggestions and put the latest changes here:
Patch -3 is working good here. :)
best regards,
PS: next try... fancy_color_rc="YES" ;)
If I could figure out how to make sh do colors, I'd do it. :)
Is that all? :)
# Nico Golde <nico(at)> Homepage:
# Last change: Mon Feb 16 16:24:41 CET 2004
for attr in 0 1 4 5 7 ; do
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
printf "ESC[%s;Foreground;Background - \n" $attr
for fore in 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37; do
for back in 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47; do
printf '\033[%s;%s;%sm %02s;%02s ' $attr $fore $back
$fore $back
printf '\n'
printf '\033[0m'
But can you do it without the printf's? That's the key. We don't have
printf until later in the boot process..
Eric Anderson Sr. Systems Administrator Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.
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